
The Pittsfield Town Office is located at 112 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield, ME 04967. The phone number to the Town Office is (207) 487-3136. The fax number is (207) 487-3138. The Town Office is open Monday - Thursday from 7:00 am - 5:30 pm (closed on Fridays).

The town office, as well as the police and fire departments, are located in the Municipal Building in the center of town. The fire station portion of the building was renovated in 1974 from part of old "Union Hall." Construction of the attached brick building housing the town office and police station was completed in 1978, and the facility is in good condition. Some necessary pointing and sanding of the Union Hall masonry work was done in 1997. The building is wheelchair accessible at the front Somerset Avenue entrance, with a dedicated parking space on Connors Avenue to the side of the building. An elevator provides access to the first floor, where elections and meetings are held.

Most customers and employees enter from the municipal parking lot to the rear of the building. To alleviate parking competition with the Main Street businesses, the Town has created a parking lot across Somerset Avenue, where employees are able to legally park all day.

The downstairs contains the Council Chamber, which can accommodate 60 or so people comfortably, two conference rooms capable of seating up to ten people each, a large vault, and rest rooms. The Council Chamber is set up for Council and Planning Board meetings with a podium for the mayor, clerk, and manager and six councilor desks.

The main floor upstairs contains a lobby and counter for transaction of Town business, with space for three office workers and equipment. Separate offices are available for the assessor/tax maps, town manager, tax collector, code enforcement officer, and assistant to the town manager. The town clerk works from an adjoining area with its own counter.  The police department is located on the other side of the lobby.