Motor Vehicle Registration Information
Required to Register New Cars:
- Window Sticker (check in your glove compartment or under a seat)
- Title Application (Blue form)
- Sales Tax Form (Green/Yellow Form)
- Proof of Insurance. Insurance card showing insured today.
- Mileage
- If transferring plates from another vehicle, the old registration is needed.
Required for Used Cars, Dealer Sale:
- Bill of Sale
- Title Application (Blue form)
- Sales Tax Form (Green/Yellow Form)
- Current Mileage
- Proof of Insurance. Insurance card showing insured today.
- If transferring plates from another vehicle, the old registration is needed.
Required For Used Cars, Private Sale:
- Bill of Sale signed by seller and dated.
- Title if vehicle is 15 years old or newer. 1999 and newer are required titles. Title needs to be signed and dated on the back by seller (all title holders’ names on the front of the title).
- Current Mileage
- Proof of Insurance. Insurance card showing insured today.
- Lien Release if needed
- If transferring plates from another vehicle, the old registration is needed.
Required For Re-Registration:
- Proof of Insurance. Insurance card showing insured today.
- Mileage
- If transferring plates from another vehicle, the old registration is needed.
Transfer Registration from another State to Maine:
- Proof of Insurance. Insurance card showing insured today.
- Mileage
- Registration from previous State.
- Bill of sale showing sales tax is paid, sellers name, sellers address, and date of sale.
- Title if vehicle is 15 years old or newer. 1999 and newer are required titles. If have a lien holder need name and address.
Transit Plate:
To be used to move vehicle from one location to another (point A to B). Fee $13.00 Plate good for 14 days.
- Can not use if you have registered the vehicle before.
- Proof of Insurance. Insurance card showing insured today.
- VIN Number
- Year, Make and Model of vehicle.
- Direct route to be traveled.
- Can also use for utility trailers.
NOTE: Titles are required for vehicles manufactured in 1999 or newer.