PPD Animal Control
Russell - (207) 474-6386 - rcraft@pittsfieldmaine.org
PPD Records/Administrative Support
Amy Kitchin - (207) 408-2459 akitchin@pittsfieldmaine.org
The Wanderers Database
Wanderers Database Form can be completed to provide a critical network of real time information including a photograph to Law Enforcement, which assists in locating individuals prone to wander due to Autism, Alzheimer's, Dementia or other mental/medical conditions.
To participate you must register your loved one. Registration is simple and takes just a few minutes.
Information is secure and private, and saves valuable time when seconds count.
Additional Resources
Somerset County District Attorney's Office - Maeghan Maloney, District Attorney, District Attorney's Office is located at 41 Court St., Skowhegan, ME 04976. (207) 474-2423.
Maine Warden Service - The Maine Warden Service was established in 1880. Today, nearly 140 years later, the men and women who proudly wear the red coat as Maine Game Wardens remain as committed as ever to the citizens, visitors, and natural resources of the great State of Maine. (207) 287-8000.
US Attorney's Office- Maine - This web site has been designed to provide you with some information about our state and office. (207) 780-3257.
Maine State Bureau of Identification (SBI) - Each state has a central repository that collects and maintains criminal history information, releases that information to the criminal justice community, and cooperates with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In Maine, the repository is run by the State Bureau of Identification, which is a bureau of the Maine State Police. SBI not only serves law enforcement agencies, courts, and prison systems in Maine, but is also a vital resource for lawyers, licensing agencies, employers, and the general public. On this site, you will find some useful information about SBI's programs, as well as links to helpful services offered by the Bureau.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – This website is best viewed using the latest versions of popular web browsers. Some of the publications on FBI.gov are in pdf (Portable Document Format). To view them you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer. The reader can be downloaded at no cost from Adobe’s website.
United States Department of Justice - The Department of Justice is pleased to provide the public with a variety of resources - from publications, reports, and frequently requested forms to case highlights, legal briefs, opinions and judicial orders.
Sex Offender Registry – The Sex Offender Registry Web Site is maintained by the Maine State Police, State Bureau of Identification and is intended to provide the public information concerning the location of registered offenders currently within Maine. The Registry does not contain information on all individuals that have been convicted of sex crimes. Information is only provided for those individuals that are required to register pursuant to Title 34-A MRSA, Chapters 15 and 17. Registration is limited to those individuals sentenced for a qualifying offense.
Maine Citizen Alert System - Maine's Citizen Alert System has been established as a way for Maine State Government to keep the public informed about events that may impact public health or safety. Information issued through the Maine Citizen Alert System is provided directly from authorized state government officials.
To learn more about 911 go to http://www.maine911.com
The Pittsfield Police Department is committed to strong community service and support. Beyond police service, this includes visits to community schools, public outreach initiatives, and communications with other local and state law enforcement. Security is a high priority of Pittsfield residents. The Town is well-served by a small full-time police department. There are six full-time officers including the chief and sergeant positions. There are eight reserve officers who have completed certification through the Maine Criminal Justice Academy.
The police department averages 100 miles per patrol shift, the cruisers are each replaced every three years or as needed. The Pittsfield Police Department office is located at 112 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield, Maine 09467. The department has offices for the chief and sergeant, an interrogation room for finger-printing, photographing and processing of suspects, an office for all patrol officers, and a secured evidence room.
The department provides support for Community Watch and operates a middle school DARE program. In its effort to foster positive activities for youth, the department also began a ‘Hooked on Fishing’ (free fishing equipment rental) program for youngsters in 1997, with support from the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The Pittsfield Community Trunk or Treat was a huge success on October 31, 2018 and will be held annually going forward each Halloween.
The Town has had a mutual aid agreement with Newport for police back-up since 1987. Relations with Maine State Police and County Sheriff Departments are key to continuity and beneficial for everyone.
As a testament to the depth of support for the police department, the Town of Pittsfield Comprehensive Plan Committee's opinion poll conducted at the November 1996 election showed that 86.4% of 1157 respondents favor maintenance of the Pittsfield Police Department over reliance on the Somerset County Sheriff's Department to ensure local response and support the Pittsfield Citizens directly. Also, the Pittsfield Tomorrow vision specifically references the police department's contribution to community quality-of-life: "The community as a whole will achieve high behavioral and attitudinal standards, which, together with a skilled police force, will deter crime and substance abuse in the community."
For non-emergencies, non-urgent tips or leads contact (207) 487-3101 - to report an incident.
Reports cannot be taken/made via email, all incidents must go through dispatch.
Police Sergeant
Sergeant Marty Cochran - mcochran@pittsfieldmaine.org
PPD Full-time Staff
Vicente Morris, Chief of Police vmorris@pittsfieldmaine.org
Sergeant Marty Cochran mcochran@pittsfieldmaine.org
School Resource Officer Erica Rock erock@pittsfieldmaine.org
Officer Brett Lowell blowell@pittsfieldmaine.org
Officer Luis Rodriguez lrodriguez@pittsfieldmaine.org
Officer Donald Cowles dcowles@pittsfieldmaine.org
PPD Reserve Officers
Officer Garrett Buzzell
Officer Mike Pike
Officer Stacy Price
Officer Josh Chouinard
Officer Roger Smith
PPD MSAD 53 School Resource Officer
PPD Animal Control
PPD Records/ Administrative Support
Amy Kitchin akitchin@pittsfieldmaine.org
Additional Resources
- Somerset County District Attorney's Office - Maeghan Maloney, District Attorney, District Attorney's Office is located atMaeghan Maloney, District Attorney, District Attorney's Office is located at41 Court St., Skowhegan, ME 04976. (207) 474-2423
Maine Warden Service - The Maine Warden Service was established in 1880. Today, nearly 140 years later, the men and women who proudly wear the red coat as Maine Game Wardens remain as committed as ever to the citizens, visitors, and natural resources of the great State of Maine. (207) 287-8000
US Attorney's Office- Maine - This web site has been designed to provide you with some information about our state and office. (207) 780-3257
Maine State Bureau of Identification (SBI) - Each state has a central repository that collects and maintains criminal history information, releases that information to the criminal justice community, and cooperates with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In Maine, the repository is run by the State Bureau of Identification, which is a bureau of the Maine State Police. SBI not only serves law enforcement agencies, courts, and prison systems in Maine, but is also a vital resource for lawyers, licensing agencies, employers, and the general public. On this site, you will find some useful information about SBI's programs, as well as links to helpful services offered by the Bureau.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – This website is best viewed using the latest versions of popular web browsers. Some of the publications on FBI.gov are in pdf (Portable Document Format). To view them you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in installed on your computer. The reader can be downloaded at no cost from Adobe’s website.
United States Department of Justice - The Department of Justice is pleased to provide the public with a variety of resources - from publications, reports, and frequently requested forms to case highlights, legal briefs, opinions and judicial orders.
Sex Offender Registry – The Sex Offender Registry Web Site is maintained by the Maine State Police, State Bureau of Identification and is intended to provide the public information concerning the location of registered offenders currently within Maine. The Registry does not contain information on all individuals that have been convicted of sex crimes. Information is only provided for those individuals that are required to register pursuant to Title 34-A MRSA, Chapters 15 and 17. Registration is limited to those individuals sentenced for a qualifying offense.
Maine Citizen Alert System - Maine's Citizen Alert System has been established as a way for Maine State Government to keep the public informed about events that may impact public health or safety. Information issued through the Maine Citizen Alert System is provided directly from authorized state government officials.
To learn more about 911 got to http://www.maine911.com