Public education is provided by Maine School Administrative District #53 which also serves two other communities. Three smaller schools providing a quality elementary education are operated by the District. High school education is contracted to Maine Central Institute, a nationally-known private secondary school located in Pittsfield. Residents have identified the school system as an extremely high priority. The Town’s vision states that “the school system will be a central focus of community life, closely tied with positive youth programs, life-long involvement in learning and civic affairs, and affirmative community values.”
Manson Park School
179 Lancey St., Pittsfield, ME 04967
Grades Pre-K-Kindergarten
Vickery School
Warsaw Middle School
Maine Central Institute
Alternative Education
Maine Apprenticeship Program
54 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Colby College
Waterville, ME 04901
Kennebec Valley Community College
92 Western Ave