Town Services

The Town of Pittsfield offers many services to it's residents. The links below will bring you to more information for each service.

General Assistance

Citizens requiring assistance with fuel, electricity, food, rent and other necessities may contact the Town Office during office hours to discuss their needs and schedule an appointment.  An application and other information are required to determine if a request meets the State guidelines in the Town's General Assistance Ordinance to provide assistance.

If a citizen has an emergency that cannot wait until the next business day, please call 487-3101 which is the non-emergency police line to indicate the emergency.  Please make sure to provide your full name, address and telephone number so that we can contact you to discuss assistance.  

Police Department

Pittsfield has a standing Police Department that can be reached in an Emergency by Dialing 911. In a Non-Emergency, they can be reached at 207-487-3101.

Our new Police Chief is Vicente Morris, who comes to us from the Augusta Police Department after a 20 year career.  Vinny's contact information is:  

Vicente Morris

Chief of Police

Pittsfield Police Department

112 Somerset Ave

Pittsfield, Maine 04967



Fire Department

Pittsfield has a Volunteer Fire Department that responds to All Emergencies in the Town. From building fires to medical emergencies to Automobile accidents, they will be there to help. For Emergencies call 911. For all other non-Emergencies contact the Town Office at 207-487-3136.

Town Clerk Services

The Town Clerk is responsible for all vital records such as Birth certificates, Marriage Licenses and Death Certificates. The Town Clerk also serves as the agent for the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Department regarding Hunting and Fishing Licenses, Snowmobiles, Boats and ATVs. The Town Clerk is the Election Warden for the town and manages nomination papers for local offices, absentee ballots and registrations to vote as well as the election itself.

Snow Removal and Sanding of Roads

The town's Highway Department is responsible for Snow Plowing and Sanding of Roadways after snowstorms blanket the town. It currently has a four person team and also uses outside contractors to accomplish this service.