Pittsfield Benefits
Locate your business in Pittsfield, Maine......where business
thrives. Pittsfield is certified business friendly by the State
of Maine at
Centrally located forty miles north of Augusta and thirty-three miles south of Bangor at Exit 150 off Interstate 95, the Town of Pittsfield has long been a commercial and industrial center in Central Maine. From the early woolen mills to the electronic and shoe industries of our past, our new diversified businesses promote a strong economy and jobs for the entire Mid-Maine region.
Municipal Commitment:
The Town of Pittsfield has aggressively pursued economic development opportunities for the community. In 2004, the Town created a new Economic Development approach to assist businesses in expanding and locating in Town. This pro-development policy has provided opportunities for the Town to grow its tax base, maintain a stable tax rate and offer its residents and those of the region extensive opportunities to work within the community. Partnering with the State of Maine, the Town is eligible for Pine Tree Development Zone (PTDZ) benefits for over 400 acres of commercial and industrial property. In addition to substantial contributions to the Town’s infrastructure, the Town offers Tax Increment Financing opportunities for larger development. By working with the private sector, regional organizations and the State, other business financing options are available. Currently, industrially zoned property located in close proximity to I-95 as well as a number of commercial properties in the downtown area offer significant development opportunities. Working in conjunction with local real estate companies, the Town of Pittsfield maintains a list of available properties.
Our Business Foundation for Economic Growth:
ü An Outstanding, highly productive workforce
ü A Strong regional employment presence
ü Full-service community with diverse business offerings
ü Available Industrial Lots with several lots in the Industrial Park Expansion fronting on rail
ü Available Commercial and Industrial Properties
ü Close Proximity to Interstate 95 and major Transportation Routes
ü Pittsfield Municipal Airport services for business travel
ü Significant Sewer and water infrastructure growth capacity
ü Three-phase power opportunities
ü High-speed internet access
ü Town, Private Sector, Regional and State Business Financing Options
ü Non-existent travel inconveniences in comparison with other communities
ü Lower cost of living when compared with many other towns
ü And most of all:
An entrepreneurial spirit and a positive can-do attitude which has allowed the Town to prosper.
The pride of Pittsfield residents and businesses for their community is well known. The Town is an outstanding place to grow a business and raise a family.
Available for your review below are the Town's Economic Development Marketing Plan and the Marketing Objectives/Goals as well as information to help you start or expand your business.
Pittsfield is well known for holding regional events such as job fairs with 35-50 employers and resource providers present as well as Business Resources Night for businesses to network and obtain valuable information for their companies. The Town holds Business Resources Nights and Regional Job Fairs on a regular business.
To locate your business in Pittsfield, Maine contact:
Jacob R. Gran, Town Manager
112 Somerset Avenue
Pittsfield, Maine 04967
Tel: (207) 487-3136
Fax: (207) 487-3138
E-mail: townmanager@pittsfield.org